Roofing Solutions for Harsh Climates

 1. Extreme Heat and Sun

Challenge: In hot and sunny climates, intense UV radiation and high temperatures can cause roofing materials to deteriorate prematurely, leading to cracks, warping, and reduced energy efficiency.


Solution: opt for roofing materials designed to reflect sunlight and resist heat absorption. Some effective options include:

Cool Roofs: Cool roofing materials, such as reflective shingles or metal roofing, are designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat, reducing cooling costs and prolonging the roof's lifespan.

Metal Roofing: Metal roofs with reflective coatings are excellent choices for hot climates. They are durable, energy-efficient, and resistant to UV radiation.

2. Extreme Cold and Snow

Challenge: Cold climates with heavy snowfall pose the risk of ice dams, frozen pipes, and water infiltration, which can damage roofing materials and compromise structural integrity.

Solution: To combat extreme cold and snow, consider the following roofing solutions:

Pitched Roofs: Roofs with a steeper pitch allow snow to slide off more easily, reducing the risk of ice dams.

Metal Roofing: Metal roofing sheds snow and ice efficiently and resists ice dams. It can also be installed with a snow guard system to prevent sudden snow slides.

Proper Insulation and Ventilation: Adequate attic insulation and ventilation help maintain consistent temperatures in the attic, preventing ice dams from forming.

3. High Winds and Hurricanes

Challenge: Coastal areas and regions prone to hurricanes or high winds require roofing materials that can withstand the force of powerful storms.

Solution: For areas with high winds and hurricanes, consider these roofing solutions:

Impact-Resistant Shingles: Impact-resistant shingles are designed to withstand hail and strong winds, reducing the risk of damage during storms.

Metal Roofing: Metal roofing is known for its wind resistance and durability. Proper installation and fastening are crucial to ensure it can withstand high winds.

Roofing Adhesives and Fasteners: Use roofing adhesives and fasteners that meet local building codes and are designed to resist wind uplift.

Roof Reinforcement: In areas prone to hurricanes, consider roof reinforcement techniques, such as hurricane straps and reinforced trusses.

4. Heavy Precipitation and Flooding

Challenge: Regions with heavy rainfall or frequent flooding require roofing materials that can effectively manage water runoff and prevent water infiltration.

Solution: To address heavy precipitation and flooding, consider the following roofing solutions:

Steep-Pitched Roofs: Roofs with a steeper pitch facilitate rapid water runoff, reducing the risk of flooding or water infiltration.

Metal Roofing: Metal roofing with proper installation and underlayment can effectively manage heavy precipitation and prevent water infiltration.

Gutter Systems: Install robust gutter systems with adequate downspouts and proper drainage to direct water away from the foundation.

5. Hail and Severe Weather

Challenge: Hailstorms and severe weather events can cause significant damage to roofing materials, leading to leaks and reduced lifespan.

Solution: To protect your roof from hail and severe weather, consider these roofing solutions:

Impact-Resistant Shingles: Invest in impact-resistant shingles that can withstand hail and other forms of impact damage.

Metal Roofing: Metal roofing is highly durable and can resist hail damage better than many other materials.

Roof Underlayment:
Install high-quality roof underlayment to provide an additional layer of protection against hail and severe weather.


Watkins Construction & Roofing can provide you with the help you need. You can get in touch with us by calling us at 251-299-8151. We service areas in Gulf Shores, Spanish Fort, Foley, Fairhope, Robertsdale, and Orange Beach, AL.

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